The Spiritual Truths of Reproduction (Publishers Press, Salt Lake City, UT, 1973)
How We Got the Bible (Deseret Book, Salt Lake City, UT, 1985)
Unveiling Biblical Prophecy (Latter-day Light Publications, San Francisco, CA, 1990)
The Lord’s Holy Days (Granite Publishing Co., Orem, UT, 2002)
Twenty-five Published Articles:
- “Symbols of the Harvest” (The Ensign, January 1975)
- “The Other Half of Giving” (The Ensign, March 1975)
- “The Scriptures, My Rod and My Strength” (The Ensign, March 1977)
- “The Parable of the Tame and Wild Olive Tree” in “I Have a Question.” (The Ensign, April 1977)
- “King Lamoni” (The Ensign, August 1977, and in It Begins with a Family, Deseret Book, Salt Lake City,
UT, 1983)
- “The Ark of the Covenant, Symbol of Triumph” (The Ensign, June 1980)
- “All Things Testify of Him” (The Ensign, January 1981)
8-16. “How the Bible Came to Be;” a series of eight articles (The Ensign January-September 1982)
- “A Book about God’s Love” (The Ensign, January 1988)
- “Elijah and Elisha, Foreshadowing the Latter-day Work” (The Ensign, March 1988)
- “Jesus Christ: Types and Shadows of” in The Encyclopedia of Mormonism (MacMillan Company 1992)
and in Jesus Christ and His Gospel, (Deseret Book, 1994)
- “Learn and Live” (The Ensign, September 1991)
- “The Feast of Trumpets and the Receipt of the Golden Plates” (Journal of Book of Mormon Studies,
Fall 1993)
- “The Golden Plates and the Feast of Trumpets” (The Ensign, 2000)
- “How Christianity went to the British Isles” (Meridian Magazine, March 17, 2011)
- “Mesoamerican Model or Heartland Model: Must Only One be Right?” (Meridian Magazine, January
26, 2012) with David Read
- “Christ as Bridegroom: The Overarching Chiasm” (Discoveries in Chiasmus, Yvonne Bent, ed)